Todays menu consisted of:
Breakfast- Vegan Chocolate Milkshake- 2 cups ice, 1 1/2 cups (roughly) unsweetened Almond Milk (35 calories/cup), 2 tsp peanut butter, 1 tsp cocoa powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, blend. Tomorrow I'll add 1/2 a banana to it and decrease the almond milk to 1 cup. Totally in love with this shake in case you didn't notice. Super quick and easy to take on the go!
Snack- Kombucha with maybe 1 cup fruit pieces total- pear, blueberries, strawberries, etc. Today was my Kombucha refill day meaning I had to make my new batches and flavor the now-ready Kombucha, which I add fresh herbs and fruit to to flavor them.
Lunch- Stir-fry veggies with tofu. Green beans, mushrooms, carrots, sun dried tomatoes, onion, and anything else i could find with some balsamic vinegar and a little bit o'honey.
Snack- pear and more Kombucha (seriously, I am in no short supply of the stuff!)
Dinner- Whole Foods Hot/Cold Bar Randoms- Just checked all the labels to make sure it did not contain wheat, any kind of meat, eggs or milk and I was good to go! Ended up with a lot of Kale-Pecan salad, marinated mushroom goodness, lentil tofu stirfry, and a mixed greens salad.
Post Work-out Snack- Leftovers from Whole Foods and you guessed it, more Kombucha.
Tomorrow will be a tad more diversified just because now I actually have groceries so we'll see what I come up with, but fo realz, I feel awesome. You should try it! PLUS you're helping out the environment and with Earth Day being yesterday, every little bit counts :) Check out this website on Meatless Mondays for more info on how exactly you're helping the environment by cutting out meat and other animal products plus, recipes and other ways to get involved.
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